Callback-Based Consumer ======================= The following example implements a callback-based consumer. This style of consumer could be useful as part of a larger application, where consuming is only one part of the main application flow. It performs similar high-level logic to the :doc:`example-simple-consumer`. .. code-block:: python3 :caption: import asyncio import logging import os import random from aiorabbit import client, exceptions, message LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Consumer: """Class that demonstrates a consumer application lifecycle""" def __init__(self, rabbitmq_url: str, queue_name: str): self.client = client.Client(rabbitmq_url) self.queue_name = queue_name self.shutdown = asyncio.Event() async def execute(self) -> None: """Performs the following steps: 1. Connects to RabbitMQ and exits on authentication failure 2. Ensures the queue to consume from exists 3. Starts the consumer 4. Blocks until ``self.shutdown`` is set 5. Stops consuming 6. Closes the connection """ try: await self.client.connect() except exceptions.AccessRefused as err: LOGGER.error('Failed to authenticate to RabbitMQ: %s', err) return await self.client.queue_declare(self.queue_name) consumer_tag = await self.client.basic_consume( self.queue_name, callback=self.on_message)'Started consuming on queue %s with consumer tag %s', self.queue_name, consumer_tag) await self.shutdown.wait()'Shutting down') await self.client.basic_cancel(consumer_tag) await self.client.close() async def on_message(self, msg: message.Message) -> None: """Receives the message from RabbitMQ and... - If the message body is ``stop``, ack it and set shutdown event - or ack with a 75% chance - or nack without requeue """'Received message published to %s: %r', self.queue_name, msg.body) if msg.body == b'stop': await self.client.basic_ack(msg.delivery_tag) self.shutdown.set() elif random.randint(1, 100) <= 75: await self.client.basic_ack(msg.delivery_tag) else: await self.client.basic_nack(msg.delivery_tag, requeue=False) async def main(): await Consumer(os.environ.get('RABBITMQ_URL', ''), 'test-queue').execute() if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(main()) Run the code, open the RabbitMQ management UI in your browser, and publish a few messages to the queue. When you've sent enough, publish a message with the body of ``stop``. You should see output similar to the following: .. code-block:: $ python3 INFO:aiorabbit.client:Connecting to amqp://guest:*****@localhost:32773/%2F INFO:__main__:Started consuming on queue test-queue with consumer tag amq.ctag-4DSHNNZGxrf22bxS_i0uqA INFO:__main__:Received message published to test-queue: b'example #1' INFO:__main__:Received message published to test-queue: b'example #2' INFO:__main__:Received message published to test-queue: b'stop' INFO:__main__:Shutting down