
exception aiorabbit.exceptions.AIORabbitException[source]

Exception that is the base class of all other error exceptions. You can use this to catch all errors with one single except statement. Warnings are not considered errors and thus not use this class as base. It is a subclass of the Exception.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.SoftError[source]

Base exception for all soft errors.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.HardError[source]

Base exception for all hard errors.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.ContentTooLarge[source]

The client attempted to transfer content larger than the server could accept at the present time. The client may retry at a later time.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.NoConsumers[source]

When the exchange cannot deliver to a consumer when the immediate flag is set. As a result of pending data on the queue or the absence of any consumers of the queue.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.AccessRefused[source]

The client attempted to work with a server entity to which it has no access due to security settings.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.NotFound[source]

The client attempted to work with a server entity that does not exist

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.ResourceLocked[source]

The client attempted to work with a server entity to which it has no access because another client is working with it.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.PreconditionFailed[source]

The client requested a method that was not allowed because some precondition failed.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.ConnectionForced[source]

An operator intervened to close the connection for some reason. The client may retry at some later date.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.InvalidPath[source]

The client tried to work with an unknown virtual host

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.FrameError[source]

The sender sent a malformed frame that the recipient could not decode. This strongly implies a programming error in the sending peer.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.SyntaxError[source]

The sender sent a frame that contained illegal values for one or more fields. This strongly implies a programming error in the sending peer.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.CommandInvalid[source]

The client sent an invalid sequence of frames, attempting to perform an operation that was considered invalid by the server. This usually implies a programming error in the client.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.ChannelError[source]

The client attempted to work with a channel that had not been correctly opened. This most likely indicates a fault in the client layer.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.UnexpectedFrame[source]

The peer sent a frame that was not expected, usually in the context of a content header and body. This strongly indicates a fault in the peer’s content processing.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.ResourceError[source]

The server could not complete the method because it lacked sufficient resources. This may be due to the client creating too many of some type of entity.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.NotAllowed[source]

The client tried to work with some entity in a manner that is prohibited by the server, due to security settings or by some other criteria.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.NotImplemented[source]

The client tried to use functionality that is not implemented in the server.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.InternalError[source]

The server could not complete the method because of an internal error. The server may require intervention by an operator in order to resume normal operations.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.ClientNegotiationException[source]

The client failed to connect to RabbitMQ due to a negotiation error.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.ConnectionClosedException[source]

The remote server closed the connection or the connection was severed due to a networking error.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.StateTransitionError[source]

The client implements a strict state machine for what is currently happening in the communication with RabbitMQ.

If this exception is raised, one or more of the following is true:

  • An unexpected behavior was seen from the server

  • The client was used in an unexpect way

  • There is a bug in aiorabbit

If you see this exception, please create an issue in the GitHub repository with a full traceback and DEBUG level logs.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.InvalidRequestError[source]

The request violates the AMQ specification, usually by providing a value that does not validate according to the spec.

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.NoTransactionError[source]

Commit or Rollback Invoked without a Transaction

tx_commit() or tx_rollback() were invoked without first invoking tx_select().

exception aiorabbit.exceptions.UnknownError[source]

Unexplainable edge case exception.

Please provide tracebacks if you encounter this.